An added challenge is sustaining the interest of the volunteers who are already on board. Ultimately, a volunteer organization can thrive only if a “critical mass” of volunteers makes the organization a priority.
The 2010 Chapter Activities / Futurist Interest Group Session at World Future 2010, arranged by FUTUREtakes in cooperation with the World Future Society, will provide useful tips for winning “hearts and minds” that can bring to your group the participants and volunteers that can make it vibrant. Drawing from organizational case studies, the session includes examples of thinking (and acting) outside-the-box to circumvent obstacles, achieve goals, and inspire confidence. Additional topics include
- Hidden assumptions and common pitfalls that make volunteer organizations dysfunctional
- The importance of bold moves
- Weak signals – signs of unpleasant things to come
- Organizational visions that get results!
Finally, this special session is an opportunity for inter-group networking that can share tips for success and lead to joint projects.
World Future 2010 is scheduled for July 8-10 in Boston, Massachusetts. For conference registration, visit To obtain additional information on the session, write to